
Deep well pump installation commonly used tools

What tools do we need when we install a deep well pump? There is the installation of water section is how? Today, we Shanghai deep well pump manufacturers and we simply talk about, I hope to help you.
     Commonly used tools for installing deep-well pumps include mounting towers or tripods, winches and special tools, including chain pliers, pipe pliers, drive shaft bearing plates and pipe clamps.
     Installation method: Before installation, the packing gland, packing ring and retaining ring should be taken out, and then the water outlet section should be lifted to align the shaft hole centerline with the drive shaft, keep steady and slowly decrease, So that the drive shaft just out of the hole out of the shaft hole. If the water outlet lifting slightly skewed, installation difficulties occur, it may damage the drive shaft end of the thread, even when the shaft will cause serious bending deformation. Driving shaft after the use of bolts will pump pipe flange fastened to the water section, and then into the packing pressure ring and retaining ring.

